Were well into that time of the year now when the leaves are turning and the evenings are more noticeable shorter. While the sedge fishing can still be productive on occasions and the day time rises of hungry trout are becoming more prolific, nymph fishing at this time of year can also still be very productive. Here is a couple of nymphs that tend to catch the eyes of the hungry trout during the Autumn months.
It is this time of the year we see the return of the Iron Blues, the colder evenings and gusty winds encourage hatches of this fly on the rivers. For the dry fly purest there is a opportunity to get in the last of the surface action before the winter sets in and the seasons close. This little nymph can produce some good catches if you come across hatches of the IBD.

Bead: Tungsten White 2mm-3mm
Thread: Wisp Hot Orange
Tail: Coq De Leon
Rib: Fine Sliver Wire
Body: Grey Heron or substitute (grey thread will do the job also)
Thorax: Black Hare and UV mixed
Collar: Thread used for the fly
Hook: Dohiku Jig Size 14-20
Bead: Orange Gold sixe 2mm- 3.5mm
Thread: My Nano silk
Tail: Coq De Leon
Rib: Fine copper Wire
Body: Pheasant Tail Natural
Thorax: Orange Spectra Dubbing
I am finding orange to be a great colour this September as tags, tails, collars and these beads. Orange gold, I call them, have proven to be a serious addition to my nymph box this season. This simple Pheasant Tail is undoubtedly one of the greats.
Bead: Tungsten Gold size 3mm to 4mm
Tail: Partridge Dyed Orange
Rib: Gold Wire
Tag: Glo-Brite Orange
Body: Olive dubbing Mixed Hares Ear and Squirrel
Thorax: Spectra Dubbing Oeange
Loving these olive nymphs for the deeper pockets in the rivers,where the fish tend to hang out this time of year reserving their energy for the migration months to come.
Here is a couple of the simple fly's that will give you a very sporting afternoon on the majority of rivers around the country this time of the year.
The season has come to its encore here in Ireland and you should try and get out as much as possible before the winter sets in. I hope you enjoy the last remaining days of the season and tight lines.
If you have any questions please feel free to give me a shout on my contact details and if you are interested in Dohiku hooks, Tungsten beads, or the amazing Syndicate Fly Rods then check them out on my website. www.piscari-fly.com. Thanks for reading.
If you have any questions please feel free to give me a shout on my contact details and if you are interested in Dohiku hooks, Tungsten beads, or the amazing Syndicate Fly Rods then check them out on my website. www.piscari-fly.com. Thanks for reading.
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